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Of ONE YEAR and Leo Installation

Today is a very special day for my blog and I.

Because the 19th of August 2006 marks the

1 Year Old Birthday

Can't believe how fast time flies, and it has already been a year since the creation of this blog. It wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for YOU, my loyal blogders (blog readers)! Terima kasih banyak-banyak! =)

I was surprised to have myself wakened up before noon today, because I slept around 4am this morning. At 2pm, I attended the Region 5 South and North Leo Club Joint Installation in Sri Sedaya. My sister Victoria was the new incoming President for her club, whilst the other sister Vanessa held the incoming Funding Director. Now, I guess there is no need to use the word "incoming" anymore.

Since I'm in a rush to head on to QBar for a friend's belated birthday celebration, I'll just post a few pictures from the event.

^This is not a camwhore picture, because this was taken just to make sure whether I look proper before attending the event. LOL.

^I met Jian Pang there too! Both our siblings are part of the incoming directors of their respective clubs.

^The view of the hall.

After the Installation, a few of us dropped by Asia Cafe to have our stomach filled for tea-time.

^Alan a.k.a. pony-tailed-samurai enjoying his meal.

I guess that's all for now, till then, have a good Saturday evening! And remember, the night is still young! =)


aman23 said…
happy bday to vincent's blog. :p

mine's coming soon. =D
aman23 said…
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vpws said…
Thank you thank you! :D

Really? Happy birthday in advance! :) LOL!
vpws said…
Phentermine drugs? What are you trying to say here?
Anonymous said…
stupid fool....tak ajak me go installation!!
vpws said…
Alamak tell that to your sister lah! LOL! Not that I know you want to go also right? LOL~

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