Arghhh.. Wanted to blog about Julia's belated birthday dinner gathering , but I'll postpone it first to make way for an entry about today's (31st July 2006) series of unfortunate events. #1: For the first time since college started, I purposely woke up a little earlier this morning to have breakfast with Puvana , and at the same time revise a little for Math test at Asia Cafe. Thanks to the traffic jam due to the bad weather condition, I reached there quite late and didn't even have time to finish my glass of warm Chinese tea. > #2: Physics test was screwed up. That's what I get for playing a fool in class for the past 4 weeks. I'm gonna jump down Taylor's College floor D if I ever pass this test. (Touch wood though) #3: Got thrashed in foosball by a body containing the XX chromosome . Nat , I want a rematch! Grr~ #4: When I went to fetch my car to head back home, I saw this: ^A bloody 80 bucks parking fine. I forgot to renew the monthly pass. Stupid m...